October 27, 2013


Dear Parents,

This week we are going to be working with the letter Cc. The vocabulary words we are going to be focusing on are: cage, cucumber, camel, camera, candle, cap, carrots, clock, clown, cup, comb, corn, cafeteria, coins, and cousins.


In our phonemic awareness we are going to start studying Ending Consonants. By this, we mean the ending consonant they hear in words such as bat, dog, paper, and pencil. We are NOT focusing on ending sounds like house, mice, and candle.


In Math we are going to work with number 16 and with the concepts of top, middle, bottom. The children will make sets with this number and sequence numbers from 0 to 16.

In Science, we will continue working with FOOD. Last week we talked about food they eat during breakfast, lunch and dinner. This week we are going to focus on the Food Pyramid and what does each category mean. The students will get the chance to do a Food Pyramid with cutouts from magazines, newspaper, supermarket brochures, etc. If you have any food pictures that we can use, we would greatly appreciate you sending them to school. We will talk about the difference between healthy food and junk food.

On Wednesday we are celebrating UN Day. For this reason, your child does not need to bring snack on this day. We would also like to remind you that there is an early dismissal on this day. Children are dismissed from school at 11:45 a.m.

On Thursday we are celebrating Book Character Day. Your child can come to school with a costume that they can wear all day long. Please avoid costumes that will make it difficult for your child to run, sweat a lot or that can be hard for them to go to the bathroom. If you wish you can send extra clothes in their backpack for them to change whenever they want to. We are going to go trick-or-treating around the school. For this we need your help. We are going to be assigning you with one treat to send for the children. Also, the book character committee has decided to provide a snack and lunch for all the students. Therefore, on this day you do NOT need to send a lunchbox with your child to school.Grades 3, 4 and 5 will be hosting a live wax museum of book characters during the second period.


TIP OF THE WEEK: Read with fun in your voice.

Read to your child with humor and expression. Use different voices for different characters. Ham it up!


What you'll need       

·         Small cardboard box (such as a shoe box)

·         Scissors

·         Marker

·         5 marbles for each player

How to play                                       

1.     Turn the box so its open side is on the bottom and cut 5 evenly spaced notches (ours were 1-1/4 inches wide) along one long side. Number the holes as shown.

2.    Set the box on the floor and choose a starting line, anywhere from 3 to 6 feet away, depending on the ages of the contestants.

3.    To play, give each player 5 marbles and have them take turns trying to shoot them into the holes. Players earn the point values of the holes their marbles enter, and the player with the highest score after everyone has their turn wins.

CHILDREN’S OPERA AT THE MANUEL BONILLA – Grades Kindergarten through Fifth have been invited to the presentation of LA TORTUGA Y LA MAGICA CANCION UWUNGELEMA, the first Children’s Opera to be presented in Honduras. This opera ws wriiten and directed by Maestro Jorge Mejia. The students will be attending this presentation on Wednesday, November 6. We will leave the school at 8:00 a.m. and return at around 11:00 a.m. The fee for the entrance and transportation is L180.00, which must be sent to the school no later than Friday, November 1. For this field trip, each grade must have one parent chaperon for every 4 students. If you are interested, please contact your child’s teacher.
DONATIONS NEEDED:  Don’t forget to send in cereal boxes for Ya Tengo Donde Escribir” between now and November 20. The grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!

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