October 20, 2013


Dear Parents,

This is going to be a short week for us. We decided to have an Author Study about Eric Carle. If you have any books about this wonderful author please send them with your child to school. We will be reading some of his books and watching interesting videos about the way he creates his books.

Some of the books that we chose to read in class are the following:


Poor Hermit Crab! He's outgrown his snug little shell, so he finds himself a larger one -- and many new friends to decorate and protect his new house. But what will happen when he outgrows this shell, and has to say good-bye to all the sea creatures that have made Hermit Crab's house a home? Children will also learn a lot about the fascinating world of marine life along the way.


The barnyard rooster crows and Jack wakes up -- hungry, of course! What does he want for breakfast? A big pancake! But first, Jack's mother needs flour from the mill, an egg from the black hen, milk from the spotted cow, butter churned from fresh cream, and firewood for the stove. Will Jack ever get his pancake?



This is a wonderful book to rewrite emphasizing phonemic awareness. Something that you can do at home is that for each day of the week, have your child list foods that begin with the same letter as that particular day: Monday, meatballs, macaroni, mashed potatoes; Tuesday, tacos, tomatoes, tuna; etc.




An artist is asked by an unseen friend to draw a star. The star then asks the artist to draw the sun. The sun asks for a tree, and before long an entire universe has sprung up. Night falls, the moon rises, the moon asks for a star, and the circle is complete. The children will get the chance to decorate their own stars.



We are going to continue with the vocabulary words that were introduced last week. These words are: omelet, onion, olive, ostrich, ox, octagon, octopus, orange, obstacle, oil, orquestra, oval, and oatmeal.

Sight Words: These sight words were also introduced last week and we will be working on them this week as well. Please practice these words at home with your child. be, this, at, from, have.

In Math, we are going to be working with number 15 and continue our study with Ordinal Numbers.

In Science we will begin a unit about Food. We are going to be discussing healthy and unhealthy snacks. We are also going to introduce them the Food Pyramid and talk about each type of food. Children will get the chance to name food that is eaten during the breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you any books or posters, or any other material that you would like to share with us it would be greatly appreciated.

This Friday we are having Parent-Teacher Conferences. You will be getting a note in your child´s folder stating the time that we have assigned each one of you. Please return this note signed on Wednesday. If you are unable to attend at the time that has been assigned for you let us know and we will work it out at a different time.



Book Character Day is around the corner. We are going to be having a celebration on Thursday, October 31st. We only have one mother that signed up for this activity. If we have any other volunteer please let us know so we can get together and meet as soon as possible to plan this celebration for the children. They are all very excited about this day and we would like to have something nice prepared for them.

TIP OF THE WEEK: Write it down

Have paper and pencils available for your child to use for writing. Work together; write a sentence or two about something special. Encourage her to use the letters and sounds she's learning about in school.

GAME OF THE WEEK: Constellation Collaboration


What you'll need

·         Star stickers

·         Paper

·         White marker or chalk



How to play

1.     Each player starts by randomly placing a number of star stickers onto a piece of paper.


2.    Players then swap their starred papers with one another and, on their new paper, draw lines between the stars to make an image. (We used a white marker.)


3.    When everyone has finished drawing, players take turns describing their new constellation.

REPORT CARDS AND CONFERENCES – We will be issuing the report cards for the first quarter this Friday, October 25. Please make sure that you are planning to attend the meetings with your child’s teachers to discuss the academic progress in the first quarter.


VOLUNTEERS FOR THE U.N. DAY FASHION SHOW -  The DPTO is organizing an International Fashion Show for the UN Day, and we need your help! If you want to participate by modeling or by lending us any typical costume that you may have, please contact Marielos or Alexanderia at the following email addresses:  mmm9487@yahoo.com  or   amhaidara05@yahoo.com


DONATIONS NEEDED:  Don’t forget to send in cereal boxes for Ya Tengo Donde Escribir” between now and November 20. The grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!



CHILDREN’S OPERA AT THE MANUEL BONILLA – Grades Kindergarten through Fifth have been invited to the presentation of LA TORTUGA Y LA MAGICA CANCION UWUNGELEMA, the first Children’s Opera to be presented in Honduras. This opera was written and directed by Maestro Jorge Mejia. The students will be attending this presentation on Wednesday, November 6. We will leave the school at 8:00 a.m. and return at around 11:00 a.m. The fee for the entrance and transportation is L180.00, which must be sent to the school no later than Friday, November 1. For this field trip, each grade must have one parent chaperon for every 4 students. If you are interested, please contact your child’s teacher.



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