May 3, 2019

Week 35 May 6th - May 10th Lettter K Mother's Day

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

This Thursday May 9th, we will be celebrating 

Mother's Day here at school. The activities begin at 


We have planned a fun filled morning for you and your 

child. Please wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes.   

Mom's come dressed wearing matching outfits or

t- shirts  with your child / children.

Progress Reports were sent home on Friday. Please sign 

and return them on Monday. If you would like to request 

conference, please contact your teacher.

This week we are going to be working with the letter 


The vocabulary that we are going to be focusing on is the 


kangaroo, key, kite, 

kiss, karate, kick, koala, 

kiwi, kaleidoscope, kimono, 

kettle, ketchup, kayak, kitten, and 


If you have any items at home that begin with this letter, send them over with your child and we will be discussing them in class, we will display them on a table and we will return them back on Friday. The kids get excited to bring things from home.
Some of the stories that we will be reading this week are:

These kangaroo have all kinds of kazoos! This rhyming tale invites readers to join their kooky band and learn about the letter K.

On a windy spring day, what do Bear and Mole decide to do? Why, fly a kite, of course! But first they have to build one. They design, measure, and finally construct their kite. With a zoom, zoom, zoom the kite soars up, up, up in the air. But when a storm rumbles in --SNAP!--the kite string breaks! The chase is on as the two friends tear after their kite and find it in a tree, protecting a nest of baby birds from the rain.

I am excited to inform you that we have covered all 90  Kindergarten Sight Words. Please review them at home with your child. For the last weeks of school we will be practicing and reviewing all of them.

In Phonemic Awareness we will continue studying digraphs. The digraphs that we will be studying this week are TH and WH.

In language, a digraph is two letters or characters that make a single sound when pronounced, also known as a phoneme. The sound made by the digraph is usually noticeably different than the pronunciations of the individual letters would be. SHark, SHeep, SHell, SHip, SHoe.   CHicken, CHeese, CHair, CHin. 

In Math we are going to be doing a lot of exercises or ordering numbers from least to greatest. The children will be given a group of three or more numbers and they will have to arrange them from the smallest number to the biggest one.

We will continue to 

discover different ways 

of making numbers up 

to 10. 

Your child needs to be 

able to 


recognize numerals and 

write numerals 

up to 50 in and out of order.



Record yourself, I would love to hear you !
Take the quiz at the end of the story, see how well you do







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