September 16, 2013


A long weekend is always a good time to recharge our batteries! We hope our Kindergarteners are ready for the new and exciting challenges that we have for the second half of the first quarter of the school year.

We would like to thank each one of you for everything you sent last Thursday for our “Desayuno Catracho”. The students enjoyed tasting Tamales de Cambray, Tamales de Frijoles, Corn on the Cob, Baleadas, Honduran Candies, Cheese, Catrachitas, and more.

Midterm Reports were issued last Thursday, September 12. Please go over them, sign them and send them back to school. If you would like a conference, and one was not requested, please call the school to set up an appointment.

This week we will be working with the letter Ss. The vocabulary we are going to be discussing is the following: sandwich, sand, seal, stop, sink, skates, stapler, suitcase, socks, skirt, sofa, skeleton, sandals, soup, and smile. Some of the stories that we will be reading this week are:


Seal´s Silly Sandwich come for supper at Seal’s house! This story is about a super-duper sandwich that will surprise kids and teach them all about the letter S.


The Very Busy Spider is well on its way to becoming a modern classic. Follow an industrious spider as she carefully spins her web. A cow, a pig, and other farm animals want her to play--but a busy spider needs to finish her work, or there'll be no dinner.

Swimmy is a happy black fish that lives in a school of red fish until a big tuna eats all of his brothers and sisters. Lonely and sad, Swimmy searches the sea and finally finds another school of red fish. These fish are too frightened to swim in the ocean, so Swimmy comes up with a plan: all the red fish swim close together in the shape of one giant fish, and black Swimmy is the eye!

We are going to talk about facts about spiders. Some of the ones we will be discussing are that Spiders come in many sizes and colors. Spiders hatch from eggs. Spiders are NOT insects like many people think… and much more!!!!

We will continue to work on beginning sounds. Help us out at home naming objects around your house and asking your child what letter does it begin with!!


This week we will continue with the same sight words as last week. These words are: he, was, for, on, are. Practice, practice, practice!!!

In Math, the students will have the chance to make pictographs. We are going to focus our study on the number 11.

The IXL skills that need to be practiced this week are

Numbers and counting up to 10


This week the children in charge of bringing the ingredients for Kinder Kafe are Maria Fernanda Almeyda and Felipe Antonio Bertrand. Thank you in advance.




Tip of the Week: Read it and experience it


Connect what your child reads with what happens in life. If reading a book about animals, relate it to your last trip to the zoo.


GAME OF THE WEEK: Psychic Scavenger Hunt

What you'll need

·         5-10 objects that can easily be found in a room (bowl, brush, bottle, etc.)

How to play

1.     One player writes out a secret list of 5 to 10 objects that can easily be found in a room, such as a bowl, a brush, and a bottle.

2.    He/She then announces the number of objects he's/she´s looking for, and the other family members have one minute to gather that same number of items.

3.    If anyone brings an object that's on the list, he/she gets a point. And, of course, players have to put their items away before the next round. You may want to vary the game by limiting the objects to things that begin with the same letter or are a certain shape.






DPTO – The Discovery Parent-Teacher Organization (DPTO) works to help the school fund raise for projects and provide fun activities for our students, parents, and teachers! Anyone interested in joining and help to organize events is more than welcome to join us, as we meet every Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. in the school Cafeteria. We would like to remind all parents of the agreement made by the General Assembly in May 2013, to have all parents donate L. 200 per child to help finance the events and activities organized during the year. You can pay the fee in the finance office to Ms. Belica Varela, or your homeroom teacher. You will receive a receipt from the school. Parents who still have not done so, please fill out our survey at


MAP FALL TESTING SESSION – Our Map testing session will begin on Monday, September 23. The specific times and dates for our grades will be published in our blog. Parent cooperation in making sure our students are in school on time is greatly appreciated. 


PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPEMENT WEDNESDAY IN SEPTEMBER – There will be no school for students on Wednesday, September 25. Teachers will receive a training with Ms. Judi Fenton.


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