November 20, 2011

WEEK OF NOVEMBER 21-25, 2011

Dear Parents,

This is a very short and busy week in our Kindergarten Class. We are going to be doing a lot of activities related to Thanksgiving. We are going to be talking about the meaning of this important celebration. The children are going to be rehearsing a song and at the same time they are going to be the authors and illustrators of a book about things they feel thankful for.

We want to remind you that you are all invited to our Thanksgiving lunch. It is going to take place on Wednesday, November 23rd at 11:45 a.m. We understand that your time is valuable and that some of you need to return to your jobs. For this reason, we would like to emphasize that the celebration will start at the time stated above. It would be sad for you to miss your child performing, so please plan accordingly taking into consideration the traffic so that you can be in school right on time to start with the program.

We would like to extend a HUGE Thank you to Mrs. Nancy Wheeler and Dana Hincapie for all their time and effort of organizing this celebration. 

Midterm reports will be sent home on Wednesday, November 23rd. If a conference was not requested and you would like one, please do not hesitate to contact the school. These reports need to be signed and sent back to school on Monday.

Have a nice and a safe holiday!



Ms.SophiaLagosK-A  Ms.ValenciaDuronK-B 

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