October 19, 2014

Week of Oct. 20-24

Dear Parents,
This week we are going to be working with the letter Cc. The vocabulary words we are going to be focusing on are: cage, cucumber, camel, camera, candle, cap, carrots, clock, clown, cup, comb, corn, cafeteria, coins, and cousins.

In our Phonemic Awareness we are going to continue working with Alliteration activities with the kids. What is alliteration? Alliteration is the use of the same consonant sounds in words that are near each other. It is the sound, not the letter that is important: therefore ‘candy’ and ‘Cindy’ do not alliterate, but ‘cool’ and ‘kids’ do. It is a great exercise to help our kids learn phonetic alphabet awareness and develop concentration and memory skills. For example:
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers..
Last week we started studying about nouns. Ask your child the meaning of this word and you will be surprised!
Sight Words: These sight words were introduced last week and we will be working on them this week as well. Please practice these words at home with your child. be, this, at, see, have.
In Math, we are going to be working with number 15 and continue our study with Ordinal Numbers up to tenth.
Please practice the following skills with your child at home:
Numbers and counting up to 10
C.9     Count up and down - with numbers
C.10     Tally marks – up to 10
In Science we will begin a unit about Food. We are going to be discussing healthy and unhealthy snacks. We are also going to introduce them the Food Pyramid and talk about each type of food. Children will get the chance to name food that is eaten during the breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you have any books or posters, or any other material that you would like to share with us it would be greatly appreciated.

This Friday we are having Parent-Teacher Conferences. You will be getting a note in your child´s folder stating the time that we have assigned each one of you. Please return this note signed on Wednesday. If you are unable to attend at the time that has been assigned for you let us know and we will work it out at a different time.
On Thursday, October 23rd Kindergarten will be having a birthday celebration at lunch time. You do not need to pack lunch for your child on this day. Drinks, pizza and cake will be provided for the students. You only need to pack a snack!!!
Book Character Day is around the corner. We are going to be having a celebration on Tuesday, October 28th since there is no school on Friday, October 31st. If you would like to volunteer to help out by donating candies, snacks or lunch, please let us know so we can get together and meet as soon as possible to plan this celebration for the children. They are all very excited about this day and we would like to have something nice prepared for them.

FLU SEASON AND VACCINATION - Flu season is here. For any families who are interested, we have arranged with Mandofer (pharmaceutical company) to come to the school campus and give flu vaccines on October 24 when parents and students will be here for conferences.
        Where:  Discovery School Gym
        When:   Friday, October 24, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
        Cost:     L.238 for each vaccine
        Payment: Cash and credit cards only, at time of vaccination
        Vaccine:  Fluarix, manufactured by Glaxo-SmithKline (Descriptive literature for the vaccine is attached in  Spanish.)
SENIORS’ BAKE SALE - The Senior class will have a bake sale on Wednesday, October 22 during snack and lunch recess.
SCHOOL'S POLO SHIRTS - The Senior class will be selling a limited edition of the school's polo shirts. The cost will be Lps 250. Shirts will be available on Friday, October 24 during Conferences. All funds will be towards their mandatory Social Work. Do not miss this great opportunity to buy your shirt at a great price. There will be limited availability of sizes; therefore shirts will be sold on a first come first serve basis.
•Our U.N. Day Celebration will take place on Wednesday, October 29. If you want to set a country up, or contribute with the organization, please let the DPTO know.
•There will be no school on October 30 and 31 in compliance to Congress’ decree for mowing the holidays this month.  Classes will resume on November 3

TIP TO TRY AT HOME: Write it down

Have paper and pencils available for your child to use for writing. Work together; write a sentence or two about something special. Encourage her to use the letters and sounds she's learning about in school.

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