October 12, 2014

Week of Oct. 13-17

Dear Parents,
We hope you had a fantastic weekend. This week we will be working with the letter Oo. The vocabulary words for this letter is the following: octopus, ostrich, olive, onion, ox, office, orange, ornament, orchestra, omelet, octagon, oval, and obstacle.

If you have any items at home that begin with this letter, send them over with your child and we will be discussing them in class, we will display them on a table and we will return them back on Friday. The kids get excited to bring things from home.

Some of the stories that we will be reading are the following:

Olive the Octopus wants to be a juggler!

Bright cut-paper collages bring a traditional counting rhyme to new life, allowing young readers to take a tour of nature as they learn to count from one to ten.

In this beautifully illustrated picture book, a young girl and her father go owling on a wintry night in the woods.

This week we are introducing five new sight words: at, be, this, have and see. Please practice them with your child at home in a daily basis.

In our Phonemic Awareness we are going to be doing Alliteration activities with the kids. What is alliteration? Alliteration is the use of the same consonant sounds in words that are near each other. It is the sound, not the letter that is important: therefore ‘candy’ and ‘Cindy’ do not alliterate, but ‘cool’ and ‘kids’ do. It is a great exercise to help our kids learn phonetic alphabet awareness and develop concentration and memory skills. For example:
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Sally swam silently in the sea.
The children will get the chance to do their own alliteration using their name!!!
In Math we are going to be working with number 14 and we are going to introduce the concept of Ordinal Positions. We will play games using the words first, second, third, fourth, and fifth.

Please practice the following skills with your child at home:
Numbers and counting up to 10
C.7     Count up – with numbers
C.8     Count up and down - with pictures

In Science we are going to be talking about The Five Senses! We will be reading the book My Five Senses by Aliki. If you have any book that talks about our senses, please let us borrow them from you!

We are going to study opposites. Have your child look around your house for opposites!

Last week the kids enjoyed making a mouth using apples and marshmallows. They also ate some strawberries with chocolate simulating the heart of our bodies. Thank you for bringing the ingredients to Vilma Bertrand and Alejandro Rivas. This week Sebastian Agurcia and Emilio Gutierrez will be in charge of donating the ingredients we will be using. Thanks in advance.

We would like to carve a pumpkin with the children. If you would like to donate a pumpkin please let us know. We would greatly appreciate it.
We would like for you to help us at home with practicing rhyming words with your child. Believe it or not this is a concept that for some children it is hard to understand. 

You may want to try the following game:

Play with puppets
Play language games with puppets. Have the puppet say, "My name is Mark. I like words that rhyme with my name. Does park rhyme with Mark? Does ball rhyme with Mark?"

SCIENCE FAIR - Our Early Childhood and Elementary have begun working on their Science Fair projects. Grades K-2 will work on whole group projects with their teacher, grades 3-5 will complete a packet according to established deadlines, and will work on this project at home. Elementary parents need to keep in mind the deadlines that are established for each step of the project.
SENIORS BAKE SALE - The Senior class will have a bake sale on Wednesday, October 22 during snack and lunch recess.
SCHOOL'S POLO SHIRTS - The Senior class will be selling a limited edition of the school's polo shirts. The cost will be Lps 250. Shirts will be available on Friday, October 24 during Conferences. All funds will be towards their mandatory Social Work. Do not miss this great opportunity to buy your shirt at a great price. There will be limited availability of sizes; therefore shirts will be sold on a first come first serve basis.
-Our Student Led Conferences will take place next Friday, October 24. Conferences for the first quarter are mandatory at Discovery School. Parents will be contacted this week.
-Our U.N. Day Celebration will take place on Wednesday, October 29. If you want to set a country up, or contribute with the organization, please let the DPTO know.

-There will be no school on October 30 and 31 in compliance to Congress’ decree for mowing the holidays this month.  Classes will resume on November 3.

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