October 26, 2014

Week of Oct. 27-31

Dear Parents,
Thank you all for coming in last Friday for the student led conferences. It is wonderful to work with such a dedicated group of parents and students.
This is going to be a short week for us. We will be reviewing some of the concepts learned during the previous weeks. We will be doing a variety of counting and language activities with pumpkins, spiders, ghosts, scarecrows, etc.

A big THANK YOU goes to Lucia´s mom for bringing a pumpkin to the class. We will carve the pumpkin and will make a jack-o-lantern out of it.

On Tuesday, October 28th we are celebrating Book Character Day. Your child can come to school with a costume that they can wear all day long. Please avoid costumes that will make it difficult for your child to run, that will make them sweat a lot or that it can make it hard for them to go to the bathroom. If you wish you can send extra clothes in their backpack for them to change whenever they want to. We are going to go trick-or-treating around the school. Thank you to all of you parents, for contributing with a bag of goodies for the children. Also, we would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to Emilio´s mom for donating the baskets for the children to go around trick or treating, to Alejandro´s mom for volunteering in sending in a ghost made out of bananas, to Felipe´s mom for volunteering in sending in cupcakes and to Emma´s mom for volunteering in sending us pizzas and sandwiches. Therefore, on this day you do NOT need to send a lunchbox with your child to school. We would have plenty of snacks and lunch for the children to enjoy on this day.

On Wednesday, October 29th we are celebrating UN Day. For this reason, your child does not need to bring snack on this day. We would also like to remind you that there is an early dismissal on this day. Children are dismissed from school at 11:45 a.m.
We wish you a happy and safe holiday!!!
A FRIENDLY TIP: Read with fun in your voice.
Read to your child with humor and expression. Use different voices for different characters. Ham it up!

Love is spending time with your family!

There is no such thing as a perfect parent so just be a real one. – Sue Atkins

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