May 30, 2016

May 30-June 3

Dear Parents,
This is going to be a bitter sweet week. It is time to say good- bye to our lovely students but at the same time we know that they are ready to move on in their lives. They are all excited to go to FIRST GRADE… hooray!!! We will devote this week to have fun. If you have any board games that we can play at school, have your child bring them to share the fun. They can also bring toys that they are willing to share with their friends.


The children are enjoying learning about Japan. We would like to thank Ms. Eri Kudo for everything you taught us about this beautiful country. This week the children will write about things they learned about Japan.

It was a great pleasure to have your little ones in our classroom this year. We learned so many things. Your children are proud because they finally know how to read and write.
This year is over, so now we return your children to you, the same children that you entrusted to our care last fall. We return them with a few more pounds, a few inches taller, and months wiser, more responsible, and more mature than back then.
Even though they would have grown without our help, it has been a pleasure and a privilege to see their personalities grow day by day and see how they have developed their learning.
We have laughed, played, studied, learned and enriched our lives during the year. Take care of your children, for they are so precious.
Remember that we will always have great interest in your children and their destinies, wherever they must go, whatever they do and whoever they become.
Sincerely, Ms. Valencia, Ms. Nuvia, and Ms Gigi

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