May 23, 2016

Kindergarten News May 23-27

Dear Parents,

Wow, it is amazing to realize that this school year is almost over and that First Grade is around the corner for our lovely students.

We will be looking at different fables. The students will get the chance to discuss each one of them.

We will devote the remaining days of school to review all the sight words we have worked with in Kindergarten. Using these words we are going to be dictating sentences for the children to write them down. This will be challenging for them but we are also sure that it will be encouraging and exciting at the same time.

In Math we are going to work on Word Problems. The children will determine if they need to add or subtract in a problem given. We will emphasize the fact that they need to answer in a complete sentence.


This week we will continue our unit about Children Around the World. We will  be looking at various videos about this beautiful country and learn about their culture. We really want to thank Sakura’s mother, Ms Ery Kudo for giving a lovely presentation about Japan to our students. She shared information in a way that was very appealing to the children and she shared one of the most known and liked food in Japan: Sushi. 

For the remaining 10 days of school, we are allowing the children to bring TWO toys from home so they can share and play with their friends. The students already know the rules to bring the toys. Thank you!

 Time is flying by so fast and it is the time of the year in which we have to get ready for our  “End of the year Party” . 
This week we are going to start practicing for that day. We will be learning a song that the students will sing during that day.  We are going to talk about our Kindergarten Memories so we can put together a nice booklet. Remember that this memorable day is going to take place on Thursday , June 2nd  at 8:00 a.m. in the Kindergarten classroom. 


SUMMER CAMPS AT DISCOVERY SCHOOL  - Just like last year, there will be two summer camps in the month of June. Discovery Zone 7 will be a fun, artistic and entertaining camp for children 3 to 9 years old. There will also be a reinforcement camp for reading, writing and French for students in grades K-2. Both camps will run from June 13 to July 1, with the same schedule (8:00 a.m. to 12:00). Transportation is available at a small additional cost. If you or a relative/friend is interested, more information can be given to you by Ms. Carolina or at the accounting offices in school. AT DISCOVERY SCHOOL  - Just like last year, there will be


Important Dates Coming Up:

Wednesday, May 25           Discovery Idol 10:15 a.m.
                                              Early Dismissal (AM Schedule)
Friday, May 27                     Awards Ceremony 1:30 p.m.
Monday, May 30                  Secondary Semester Exams (grades 8-12)
Tuesday, May 31
Wednesday, June 1
Friday, June 3                       Last day of school for students
Friday, June 10                     GRADUATION DAY
                                              Last Day for Teachers

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