March 29, 2016


Dear Parents,
We hope you all have had a wonderful Semana Santa / Easter break! We hope this break has helped us all re-charged our batteries and enthusiastically begin the last portion of this school year.

This week we are going to continue our study with the letter Hh. The vocabulary that we will continue to focus on is the following: hamburger, hammer, hanger, hospital, honey, hippopotamus, hose, hopscotch, helmet, helicopter, hive, hair, hay, hotdog, and hula hoops. 

If you have any items at home that begin with this letter, send them over with your child and we will be discussing them in class, we will display them on a table and we will return them back on Friday. The kids get excited to bring things from home.

Some of the stories that we will be reading this week are:
Henny Penny, illustrated by Paul Galdone, is based on an old folktale about a chicken who believes the sky is falling. Henny Penny is out in the fields one day when an acorn falls on her head. Believing that the sky is falling, Penny goes off to inform the King. On the way to the palace, she spreads the word among her other friends and they join her; together, they go along until they met Foxy Loxy, who offers to show them a shortcut to the King’s palace. The moral of this story is: don’t believe everything you are told.

This is the story of Handa, who's part of the Luo tribe in south-west Kenya. Handa decides to take seven pieces of delicious fruit to her friend, Akeyo, who lives in the neighbouring village. But as Akeyo wonders, I wonder what fruit Akeyo will like best?, a series of sneaky animals steal something from Handa's basket, which she's carrying on her head...When Handa reaches Akeyo, will she have anything left to offer her friend? 
We will continue to work with the sight words: your, when, use, how, and will.  We are now up to 65 sight words!!! Please practice them with your child at home!!! A game you may want to try at home to practice all these words is:  write the sight words on sticky notes and have your child slap them with a fly swatter as you say a word.
In Math we will be reviewing counting by twos and solid shapes. Please practice these vocabulary words with them: sphere, cylinder, cube, and cone. Ask them to look for objects around the house that are these particular shapes.
The children in charge for bringing the ingredients for Kinder Kafe this week are: Lexi Ruta and Mara Young. Thanks in advance!
We have talked to the students that we have started the hot season in Honduras. Please provide your child with a water bottle every day. Have them wear light clothes; they can bring a hat to protect from the sun, put sunscreen on their face and arms.

PIZZA LUNCH REWARD – The students whose parents came to the presentation on March 10 are invited to come to the Conference Room (second floor of the administrative building)

EARLY CHILDHOOD AND ELEMENTARY READ-A-THON –The winners of the annual March Read-a-Thon will be going out to Chilli’s for lunch this Friday, courtesy on the DPTO. The winners are:

EARTH DAY ASSEMBLY – There will be an assembly on Friday, April 1 @ 10:30 am to celebrate Earth.

LOCAL SPELING BEE – We will be participating in the Local Spelling Bee on Saturday, April 2 at the International School in Tegucigalpa! Ms. Amy Suhr will be representing the school as a caller.  

NUESTROS PEQUEÑOS HERMANOS BAKE SALE – NPH (the school’s community service club) will be having a bake sale on Friday, April 1. Delicious baked goods will be sold during snack and lunch. Do not forget to bring money.

FAMILY NIGHT: The DPTO invites you to its annual family and movie night!

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