February 2, 2014


 Dear Parents,

This week we are going to be working with the letter Ee. The vocabulary that we are going to be focusing on is the following: elevator, egg, envelope, elephant, elbow, escalator, exit, eggplant, and empty.

If you have any items at home that begin with this letter, send them over with your child and we will be discussing them in class, we will display them on a table and we will return them back on Friday. The kids get excited to bring things from home.

Some of the stories that we will be reading this week are:


Let Elvin the Elephant entertain you. You'll be amazed at everything Elvin can do! This engaging rhyming tale teaches the letter E.




Elmer is an elephant who has a colorful body, with yellow, orange, red, pink, purple, blue, green, black and white arranged as a patchwork. He has a cheerful and optimistic personality, and he loves practical jokes.


It's an extraordinary day on Pebble Island for three frogs when one of them discovers a beautiful white egg. They've never seen a chicken egg before, but they're sure that's what this must be. So when the egg hatches and out crawls a long green, scaly creature, they naturally call it . . . a chicken!


Our new sight words for this week are: boy, two, no, girl, and has. Please practice these words at home with your child.


It is important for students to learn sight words in order to help them become fluent readers. Remember that sight words are words students are able to read upon “sight” without having to sound them out. They help facilitate reading comprehension giving students a better opportunity to understand other words in context as they read.

We will continue measuring things around the room using the items your child brought last week in a paper bag. We will be returning these items on Friday. We will also continue adding to 10 and subtracting from 10. The children are becoming bolder each day and are very excited about it.


The children are having an extremely great time learning about all different kinds of animals. This week our main focus will be learning about MAMMALS!!! We will be discussing their characteristics, the way they breathe, and how they are born. We are also going to talk about animals that live under the ocean that belong to this group.

The children in charge of donating the materials for Kindergarten Kafe are: Maya Miller and Mia Ortiz. Thank you in advance!!!

On Monday, February 3rd one of our Kindergarten students will be celebrating its birthday. You do not need to pack lunch for your children on this day. Pizza and cake will be provided!!!

We would like to give a very warmth welcome to our Kindergarten World to our new friend Lorenzo Aguilera!!! He is coming all the way from Colombia and is joining our Kinder A.


In the month of February, we celebrate friendship. We will be discussing ways to be a good friend. The lower elementary children will all be wearing a bracelet this whole month to school to indicate that we are all good friends and the importance of it. To make this possible, we are requesting Lps. 20.00 to buy our friendship bracelets. Please send this money no later than Thursday, February 6th. Make sure your child wears this bracelet daily.

As Valentine´s Day is around the corner, we are requesting you to help your child decorate a shoe box to be used as their mailbox. Be creative, and let your child brainstorm the ideas that he/she would like their box to look like. This mailbox should be in school this Friday, February 7th.




to our marvelous KINDER ZOO on February 28th.

The children were assigned to an animal last week. Your child should create a 3D model about this animal and have it ready to display it in our room. They should also present facts about this animal and explain what they have learned about it. We will have a big event on this day in which children from other grades, teachers, and administrators will be invited. Your child can come dressed as a scientist, zoo keeper, or even the animal represented!!! Please be creative, help your child come up with the ideas. This is a fun family project and we would love to wrap up our unit on animals with this fun activity!!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS so you can join the fun!!! Here is the list of students and their assigned animal:

Lorenzo Aguilera   =   GECKO                        Alegria Aguirre = GORILLA

Stevie Posivak       =   TURTLE                      Daniela Aguirre =   LADYBUG

Jay Ben-Nassar     =   FROG                         Ellyn Jenks        =  ZEBRA

Nora Paige             =   STING RAY                Valentin Mejia   =   DOLPHIN

Katina Alvarado     =   SCORPION                 Felipe Bertrand  = WALKING STICK

Lia Ochoa              =   LOBSTER                   Isabella McCaul  =  GIRAFFE

Ninel Cevallos        =   GRASSHOPPER           Jordan Reyes     =  TIGER

Maya Miller           =   CAMEL                       Luciana Nuñez    =  SEA HORSE

Milla Alvarez         =  KILLER WHALE          Mia Ortiz          =  FLAMINGO

Ian Rodriguez        =   KANGAROO               Carmen Castañeda  =   COBRA

Maria Fernanda Almeyda =  BUMBLE BEE


PICTURES FOR THE YEARBOOK – The individual and class pictures for the 2013-2014 yearbook will be taken from Tuesday, February 11 to Wednesday, February 19. The specific day and time for our grade will be posted next week.

CHOIR PARENTS – On Monday, February 3, at 3:15 p.m., there will be a mandatory meeting in the school Library for parents of all Choir students who are planning to travel to New York City in June 2014 to perform at the prestigious Carnegie Hall. Information will be given concerning the trip and payments needed, and Important decisions about the trip will be taken. We need at least one parent for each Choir student to attend this meeting.


SCHOLASTIC BOOKS! - This month your child(ren) will have the opportunity to purchase books through the International Scholastic Book Clubs.  This is an optional activity offered by the school, in case you want to motivate your child to read at home and to increase their own library.  With your purchase, our library will accumulate points to redeem for more books for the benefit of your children in our school. Order forms and catalogues were sent home on Friday. The final date to purchase the books online is February 10. The books will arrive at the school in one single delivery, and we will distribute them to the students according to their orders, approximately three weeks after the purchase due date. Please email Ms. Marilis (mzambrana@discoveryschool.edu.hn ) if you have any questions.


FROM THE DPTO – PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS – The DPTO has been working very hard to organize the traditional Movie Event for Discovery School families. This year, it will take place at NOVACENTRO on Sunday, February 9 at 11:00 a.m. for the presentation of THE LEGO MOVIE

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