January 4, 2019

Week 19 January 7th - January 11th, 2019 Letter Jj

January 7, 2019
Dear Parents,
Welcome back everyone!!! We hope you all had a fantastic Winter Break.
We wish you the best of the best in this New Year!
We are ready to continue learning and having fun  in Kindergarten .

Important Dates For You to Keep in Mind:
Wednesday,January 9th:
Send in a small bag of Jellybeans
Friday,January 18th:
Half Day / Conferences.
2nd Quarter conferences will be held in the afternoon. If I do not request a conference and you would like to meet, please let me know so we can set up an appointment.
Monday,JANUARY 21st:
No School We will be commemorating Martin King Luther Jr.'s Birthday.
Friday,January 25th:
Half Day / Staff Professional Development

This week we are going to be working with the letter Jj. The vocabulary words that we are going to be focusing on are: jelly, juice, jar, jump rope, jeans, jeep, jacket, jet, jacks, jellybeans, jewelry, jaguar, jug, and jack-o'-lantern.
If you have any items at home that begin with this letter, send them over with your child and we will be discussing them in class, we will display them on a table and we will return them back on Friday. The kids get excited to bring things from home.

Some stories that we are going to be reading with the children are:

No jaguars love it more than Jeremy! We will join Jeremy as he makes jam at the Jungleberry Jamboree!

The story begins with a sweet brown bear taking a berry picking adventure with a curious little boy. As they go about their berry-finding expedition, the illustrator depicts each scene with enormous imagination and creativity.

This is the turtle that slid into the pond and ate the snake that dropped from a branch and swallowed the fish that swam after the frog -- JUMP, FROG, JUMP!" This infectious cumulative tale will soon have the young frogs you know jumping and chanting with joy.

Muffy is having a Spring Fling party complete with the Egg Push, the Bunny Hop and the Jelly Bean Hunt for the grand prize of a huge chocolate egg! Everyone wants to win, but poor Arthur is so slow at everything. While the others fill their bags, Arthur finds one, then two, ever so slowly. Who will win the Jelly Bean Hunt?

During the month of December the students practiced all the 44 sight words we had studied. This week we will review these words and introduce 6 new words.

The sight words that we are going to be introducing this week are:
not, like, we, my, but, ten

Please take 15 minutes every day to practice with your child. It is very important for your child to recognize all the sight  words we have covered in class so far.
Once the student is able to recognize and sight words , reading sentences becomes much easier for them.

In Math we are going to be introducing the concept of number patterns. Students will be counting up to 100 by 10's, 5's, and 1's. Students will also write numbers up to thirty.
Students will work on reading  and creating a bar graph.

In Phonemic Awareness we are going to be working with Onset/Rime. The "onset" is the initial phonological unit of any word (e.g. "c" in cat) and the term "rime" refers to the string of letters that follow, usually a vowel and final consonants (e.g. "at" in cat). Not all words have onsets. Similar to rhyme, onset and rime helps them recognize common chunks within words. This helps children decode new words when reading and spell words when writing.
Imagen relacionada

In Science we are going to begin our Weather Unit. The students will be observing and describing
local weather patterns. The students will understand how to use and share the weather data collected
over time,

Starting this Week students will have Homework 3 times a Week.

Tuesday and Thursday a worksheet will be sent home in their Folder/ Notebook.

Wednesday Students will read and record a story using their Raz Kids Account.


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