Dear Parents,
I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.
Thank you Fabianna for coming in and sharing about Brazil!
Kindergarten will begin to use Raz-Kids.
Your child's username and passwords are taped to their homework folders.
Raz-Kids is reading site that has fiction/ non fiction books for each child to read according to his/ her level.
It measures reading fluency and comprehension. Your child will be assigned a story every week.
Each story will have different activities.
Your child is encouraged to reread the story. Some stories have questions at the end.
Also, please click on the "microphone" and record your child reading the story.
Feel free to read as many books as you like.
An important tip for beginner readers: Have your child
use their index finger or as we call it , "Your
Magic Finger" as a guide while they read each
I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.
Thank you Fabianna for coming in and sharing about Brazil!
Kindergarten will begin to use Raz-Kids.
Your child's username and passwords are taped to their homework folders.
It measures reading fluency and comprehension. Your child will be assigned a story every week.
Each story will have different activities.
Your child is encouraged to reread the story. Some stories have questions at the end.
Also, please click on the "microphone" and record your child reading the story.
Feel free to read as many books as you like.
An important tip for beginner readers: Have your child
use their index finger or as we call it , "Your
Magic Finger" as a guide while they read each
If you have any items at home that begin with this letter, send them over with your child and we will be discussing them in class, we will display them on a table and we will return them back on Friday. The kids get excited to bring things from home.
This week we will need your help by sending in the following items.
- Bring in 1 small box of raisins
- 1 can of sprite or 7-up
- 1 clear /transparent cup
- 1 small box of Froot Loops
Please send them in by Wednesday.
Some of the stories we will be reading during this week are:

When Mrs. Raccoon learns that there is a bully problem at school, she decides to investigate the situation. But after seeing the bully for herself, she shares a story about a forest that was full of smooth yellow stones, and how the animals living there changed a pointy stone they found into a smooth stone so that it wouldn't hurt any tender paws.
Tops and Bottoms

Hare solves his family’s problems by tricking rich and lazy Bear in this funny, energetic version of an old slave story. With roots in American slave tales, Tops & Bottoms celebrates the trickster tradition of using one’s wits to overcome hardship.
Please take some time to practice daily these words with your child. It is very important for them to recognize all the sight words.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers..
We will introduce and work with Ending Sounds
In Math we are going to work with number 15 and with the concepts of top, middle, bottom. The children will make sets with this number and sequence numbers from 0 to 15.
In Science, we will be conducting 2 experiments this week. One with Pumpkins and the other with raisins.
We will also be learning about rainbows.
Show and Tell Item for letter Rr
Raz kids read assigned story
Spanish Homework
Fundacion Abrigo:Is an organization which provides lodging for families from outside Tegucigalpa who bring their families/patients to the largest state medical facility, Hospital Escuela. Discovery School in solidarity with Fundacion Abrigo is asking for a donation of 1 GALON OF DISINFECTANT per family by Monday, October 31. Thank you very much! It is always far better to give than to receive!
BAKE SALE – The Seniors will have a bake sale on Tuesday, October 31st in order to raise funds for their community service.
We will be having our Halloween lunch this Tuesday, please send in a morning snack for break time.

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