August 11, 2017

Week 2 August 14th -18th Letter M

August 14, 2017

Dear Parents,

We had a wonderful time getting to know each other last week. We are settling in nicely to our new surroundings.
We will continue working on our classroom procedures and routines. We are ready to start our first full week of Kindergarten. Yay!

We will begin with the study of the letter Mm. We will be doing a variety of activities with this letter. The vocabulary words we are going to be focusing on are: magazine, mustache, mustard, meat, muscle, motorcycle, medicine, mop, marbles, mirror, mushroom, microscope,    magnifying      glass,   magnet, and    money.

Some of the stories that we will be reading during the week are:

AlphaTales are a series of humorous stories designed to help young children recognize letters and the sounds they make. In this story we will find out how Monkey turns a miserable Monday into a marvelous one with this rollicking tale that teaches the letter M.

 If You Give A Moose A Muffin If a big hungry moose comes to visit, you might give him a muffin to make him feel at home. If you give him a muffin, he'll want some jam to go with it. When he's eaten all your muffins, he'll want to go to the store to get some more muffin mix. Words that will we will be discussing from this book : moose, muffin, sweater, needle, thread, and antlers.

Mouse Mess It’s the story of a mischievous mouse who explores the kitchen at night.  “Crackle, sweep, he rakes cornflakes – and jumps into the pile he makes!”Words that wewill be discussing from this book: mess

Phonemic Awareness is important because it is critical to reading and spelling success. A child’s phonemic awareness is a powerful predictor of the likelihood of reading and spelling success. Children who cannot distinguish and manipulate the sounds within spoken words have difficulty recognizing and learning the necessary print=sound relationship that is critical to proficient reading and spelling success. If a child has poor phonemic awareness it is difficult for them to discover the necessary link between print and sound.

This week we will focus on identifying letter, word,  and a sentence.

The sight words we will be studying for the next two weeks are

the, I, and, a, to. 

Please practice them daily with your child at home.

Please send in a bag of m&m's  to school by Wednesday 

Please remember to check your child’s folder every single day and send it back to school the next day. We are working on this special routine with the students. Remember that this is the best way for you to communicate with us.

In our first Social Studies unit we will be talking about MY SCHOOL. We will begin with this unit this week. Some of the vocabulary words we will be introducing in this unit are: stapler, staple remover, tape dispenser, tacks, paper clips, desk, paintbrush, hole puncher, glue, markers, eraser, ruler,                                                                  scissors.

MONDAY: Bring in one object from home that begins with the letter M

Please send in any items from home that begin with letter’M’, send them in with your child and we will  discuss them in class. They will displayed on a table in our class and we will send  them back on Friday. The kids get excited to bring things from home.

TUESDAY: Bring in a bag of M&m's 

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