May 5, 2017

May 8th -12th Letter Yy

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!

Next Friday May 12th we will be hosting our Mother's day Show and Breakfast. Our performance will begin at 8:15 am.  

Grades K- 5 will be going to Chiminke Friday May 19th. Please send in 150 Lempiras

We are requesting 2 carnet size picture of your child 

for their Kindergarten Diploma. Please send these

pictures before Friday, May 19th. Thank You!!!

This week we are going to be working with the letter Yy. The vocabulary that we are going to be focusing on is the following:

Yarn, yo-yo,yard, yellow, yawn, yogurt, yak, yolk.

If you have any items at home that begin with this letter, send them over with your child and we will be discussing them in class, we will display them on a table and we will return them back on Friday. The kids get excited to bring things from home.

Some of the stories that we will be reading this week are:


The five sight words for this week are: little make him who out.  

Please practice these words at home with your child every day.
   In Phonemic Awarenes we will be continuing with digraphs. The digraph that we will be studying this week is Th.
In language, a digraph is two letters or characters that make a single sound when pronounced, also known as a phoneme. The sound made by the digraph is usually noticeably different than the pronunciations of the individual letters would be. Bath, teeth/tooth, moth, mouth, both, with, Thursday, three, thumb.
In Math we are going to be introducing place value. The children will  read numbers and identify the place value of each digit up to one hundred.

In Science we will continue learning about the planets. Our focus will be on
 Earth and Mars. This unit has been of a lot of interest to the children. They love learning facts about each of the planets. Ask them questions and you will be surprised of all the things they know of each one of them.

Our 2nd & 3rd MAP sessions will be on Monday May 8th and Wednesday May 10th. Please help us by making sure your child gets plenty of rest and sleep.



Record yourself, I would love to 

hear you !

Take the quiz at the end of the 

story, see how well you do.





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