May 3, 2016

WEEK OF MAY 2-6, 2016

This week we are going to be working with the letter Kk. The vocabulary that we are going to be focusing on is the following: kangaroo, key, kite, kiss, karate, kick, koala, kiwi, kaleidoscope, kimono, kettle, ketchup, kayak, kitten, and kitchen.
If you have any items at home that begin with this letter, send them over with your child and we will be discussing them in class, we will display them on a table and we will return them back on Friday. The kids get excited to bring things from home.
Some of the stories that we will be reading this week are:

These kangaroo have all kinds of kazoos! This rhyming tale invites readers to join their kooky band and learn about the letter K.

On a windy spring day, what do Bear and Mole decide to do? Why, fly a kite, of course! But first they have to build one. They design, measure, and finally construct their kite. With a zoom, zoom, zoom the kite soars up, up, up in the air. But when a storm rumbles in --SNAP!--the kite string breaks! The chase is on as the two friends tear after their kite and find it in a tree, protecting a nest of baby birds from the rain.

Little Bear gives an animal friend a picture to deliver to his grandmother.  His grandmother sends a kiss back to give to Little Bear.  The first animal tires of the journey, so he passes the kiss along to another animal, who passes it to another… until it reaches a skunk, who shares it with a female skunk – and she shares it back.  In the end the skunks get married.

The five new sight words for this week are: down, them, some, blue, and three.  These words are the last five sight words we will learn in Kindergarten. We learned a total of 80 sight words!!! Please practice these words at home with your child every day.

In Phonemic Awareness we will be introducing some digraphs. The digraphs that we will be studying this week are SH and CH.
In language, a digraph is two letters or characters that make a single sound when pronounced, also known as a phoneme. The sound made by the digraph is usually noticeably different than the pronunciations of the individual letters would be. SHark, SHeep, SHell, SHip, SHoe.   CHicken, CHeese, CHair, CHin. 

In Math we are going to be doing a lot of exercises or ordering numbers from least to greatest. The children will be given a group of three or more numbers and they will have to arrange them from the smallest number to the biggest one.

This week we are going to be talking about JUPITER. This unit has been of a lot of interest to the children. They loved learning facts about each of the planets. Ask them questions and you will be surprised of all the things they know of each one of them. Do you know which one is the hottest planet? If you do not know, your child does!!!! Next week we will be wrapping this unit with the three remaining planets.

Here is our schedule for MAP Testing. Parents please help us assure that everyone does their best by making sure your child gets plenty of sleep and has a big breakfast on these days.
Tuesday, May 3 at 8:30 and Thursday May 5 at 10:05.

As you all know, Mother´s Day is celebrated the second Sunday of May.  We would like to invite all of our MOMMIES to have Muffins with your child on this Friday, May 8th at 8:00 a.m. We are planning on having something nice prepared for you. We hope you can come and spend some time with your child at school.
The children in charge of donating the materials for Kinder Kafe are Vanessa Sobalvarro and Camilla Matamoros!

I am getting ready to receive my baby girl. I am retiring on Wednesday May 4th. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for the trust I have received from you these past months and would like to ask for your prayers so my little girl can come to this world in completely good shape. Thank you in advance!! It was a great pleasure to have your little one in my classroom this year. We learned so many things. Your children are proud because they finally know how to read and write. We have laughed, played, studied, learned and enriched our lives during the past months. Take care of your children, they are all so precious. They stay in good hands with Ms. Nuvia and Ms. Gigi!! For those of you leaving Honduras, I wish you the best in your new adventure. I will always have great interest in your children and their destinies, wherever they may go, whatever they do and whoever they become.

Ms. Valencia Durón

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