November 22, 2014

Week of Nov. 24-28

Dear Parents,
This is going to be a very short week. We are going to be mainly talking about Thanksgiving Celebration and the meaning of this holiday. We will list things that we should be thankful for. If you have any books that are related to this holiday, we will really appreciate if you let us borrow them from you.
For our Thanksgiving Celebration, we are requesting Lps. 100.00. We will be using this money to buy lunch the cafeteria is preparing especially for us. The children will have chicken nuggets, french fries, lemonade and dessert. Please send this money no later than Tuesday, November 25th. Our lunch will be on Wednesday around 11:00 a.m. since this is a half day. Remember the children will be dismissed from school at 11:45 a.m. on this day.
In Math, we are going to be working with numbers 19 and 20. We are going to be doing a lot of sequencing activities, writing missing numbers from 0-20, and making sets with these two numbers.
Please take a moment every day to review with your child the sight words we are studying in class. We will continue working with but, not, like, my, we.

In Science we are going to be wrapping up our unit of PLANTS. Last week the children had the chance to plant some beans into cups. They are all very eager to see their plant grow and they are all recording the observations they see every day. Next week we are going to be introducing the Scientific Method.

MIDTERM REPORTS – Midterm reports were issued last Friday, November 21st. These should be signed by parents and returned to the teacher as soon as possible. If you would like a conference and one was not requested by the teacher, please call the school to set up an appointment. 
Our annual Songfest will take place on Friday, December 12th at 5:30 p.m. Please mark this date and time on your calendar. Take into consideration that this is the time where traffic gets a little bit hectic in this city. We would really like to see all the children in school at 5:00 p.m. so we can go over last details with them. They are all very excited practicing their song every day with a lot of enthusiasm. We also want to remind you that your child needs to come in dressed as the sea animal that was assigned to them.

Remember that there will be NO SCHOOL on Thursday, November 27th and Friday, November 28th. Happy Thanksgiving and stay safe!

DPTO FAMILY BINGO NIGHT – The DPTO will be hosting fun filled BINGO evening for Discovery families and friends on Friday, December 5. Incredible prizes (i.e. air tickets to Roatan and Miami, a family stay in a beach resort in El Salvador, paintings, and much more!) are in store for those who attend! Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Tickets are only L100!

BOOK DONATION - Amor Fe y Esperanza (AFE) is an organization located on the outskirts of Tegucigalpa that has been rescuing children from the garbage dump and breaking the cycle of poverty in their lives. AFE is in the process of furnishing its library. We are asking for any new or used Spanish books (children’s books, novels, nonfiction, encyclopedias etc.) you might have and that you would like to donate to the AFE library.  These books can be brought and given to your homeroom teacher.  If you would like more information about AFE, please visit their website

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