December 1, 2013


Dear Parents,

It is unbelievable that we are starting a brand new month. The last month of the year!!! Welcome December!! Time is surely flying by and we are going to continue learning a lot in our Kindergarten world.

This week we are going to be working with the letter Jj. The vocabulary words that we are going to be focusing on are: jelly, juice, jar, jump rope, jeans, jeep, jacket, jet, jacks, jellybeans, jewelry, jaguar, jug, jellyfish and January.

If you have any items at home that begin with this letter, send them over with your child and we will be discussing them in class, we will display them on a table and we will return them back on Friday. The kids get excited to bring things from home.

Some stories that we are going to be reading with the children are:


Jaguars love Jungleberry jam.

But no jaguars love it more than Jeremy!

We will join Jeremy as he makes jam at the Jungleberry Jamboree!


The story begins with a sweet brown bear taking a berry picking adventure with a curious little boy. As they go about their berry-finding expedition, the illustrator depicts each scene with enormous imagination and creativity.


This is the turtle that slid into the pond and ate the snake that dropped from a branch and swallowed the fish that swam after the frog -- JUMP, FROG, JUMP!" This infectious cumulative tale will soon have the young frogs you know jumping and chanting with joy.


Muffy is having a Spring Fling party complete with the Egg Push, the Bunny Hop and the Jelly Bean Hunt for the grand prize of a huge chocolate egg! Everyone wants to win, but poor Arthur is so slow at everything. While the others fill their bags, Arthur finds one, then two, ever so slowly. Who will win the Jelly Bean Hunt?


The sight words that we are going to be introducing this week are: an, look, up, can, said. Please take 15 minutes every day to practice them at home with your child. It is very important for all of them to recognize all the sight words we have covered in class so far. Once they can recognize sight words it is going to be a lot easier for them to read books.

Click on the following link to find a fun game to play with your child at home 



In Math we are going to be working with Number Lines and extending Patterns such as ABBC (apple-banana-banana-orange), AABB (car-car-bus-bus).

This week we are going to be wrapping up our theme on Plants. The children know the parts of the plant, what a plant needs to grow, how to take care of plants, and the steps of a scientific method. This week we are going to be discussing types of weather in which some plants can grow better. We are also going to be recording observations on an experiment we started last week. Ask your little ones about it.


The children in charge of donating the materials for Kindergarten Kafe this week are Ian Rodriguez and Daniela Aguirre. Thank you in advance!!!



MIDTERM REPORTS – Please do not forget to send the Midterm reports signed as soon as possible. They were issued on Friday, November 22nd.

MINI CHRISTAMS BAZAAR – Our school DPTO is organizing an early shopping opportunity for our families on December 5 and 6. The event will last all school day long! Come and support our DPTO and take advantage of the great items that will be on sale at terrific prices!!!!

SONGFEST – In order to avoid the late afternoon and early evening traffic congestion, the School’s annual Songfest will be held on Friday, December 13 at 1:30 p.m. Parents are welcome to come and have lunch with our students before the performances. There will be a sale of food, baked goods and drinks.

PREPARATION FOR SONG FEST - In preparation for our Songfest, we are asking parents who have spare Christmas decorations which they would like to share with us for the stage presentation taking place on December 13, to please send them to your child's homeroom teacher next week. We will take good care of them and return them by Monday, December 16. Anticipated thanks for your unconditional support in all of our school activities.

CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE:  Nuestro Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) is an international organization that takes in abandoned and orphaned children, providing a home and education.  Here in Honduras, the NPH organization provides for over 500 children in a large ranch near La Venta and home in Tegucigalpa for severely handicapped children.   While many children at the ranch have aunts, uncles, or grandparents that come to visit them and can provide some Christmas gifts, some children at a ranch have no family to visit.  It is these children for whom we would like to provide this Christmas.   On the second floor of the secondary building, an NPH Giving Tree will be set up.   Choose a paper tree that has a child’s information about his/her size for shoes or socks.  Purchase the new item and return it to Mrs. Agurcia’s Room (Rm. 7) by Tuesday, December 10, with the tree tag taped to it.  As well, there are tree tags for basic food items that will be donated to the orphanage.  Cash donations will also be accepted to provide shoes and socks for children whose tags were not selected.  Thank you for giving this Christmas!  If more information about NPH’s work in Honduras, please visit

FUNDACION ABRIGO - Discovery School, in solidarity with FUNDACION ABRIGO ( A foundation that provides lodging for families from outside Tegucigalpa who bring patients to Hospital Escuela), is asking our school community’s collaboration. If you would like to participate and help this organization, please send a donation of 1 gallon of disinfectant per family by Friday, December 6. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated!


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