This is a short week that will be filled with lots of fun for the Kindergarteners!

Please help your child print these letters correctly. It might be helpful to practice writing letters with your child in different ways, such as using play dough, salt, and finger-paints!!
United Nations Day was a huge success! Thank you for all your help and support. The fun continues this week! BOOK CHARACTER DAY is this coming Thursday, October 28th. You only need to pack your child a snack since we are all going to be having pizza for lunch!!! We are also going to be having juice and cupcakes at the end of the day. Yummy!!!
Student-led Conferences are this Friday,October 29th.
Please remember to label all of your child’s belongings.
Have your child bring back his/her library book every Wednesday for KA and Monday for KB.
P.E- Make sure your child comes to school with running shoes on his/her P.E day and a water bottle.
We would like to give a warm welcome to GLORIA MEJIA. She joined our Kindergarten Class last week!!!
“Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand.” Chinese Proverbs
Ms.Marissa Morales
Ms.Sophia Lagos K-A Ms.Valencia Duron K-B
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