December 13, 2014

Week of Dec. 15-17

Dear Parents,
We want to congratulate our fantastic Kindergarteners for their fabulous performance in the Song Fest. Under the Sea was a great hit for them and they all did great.

A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR WONDERFUL PARENTS – We wish to express our gratitude to all our parents and students for opening their heart this holiday season to share with those around you. The donations of the disinfectant were delivered to FUNDACION ABRIGO last week in the name of our student body.
  Your contributions for the SUPPORT PERSONNEL HOLIDAY BASKETS are being organized and will be given to them this Wednesday.  Since all these donations were voluntary, we deeply appreciate our community’s willingness to reach out and share with others.

This is a short (3-day) week, and we will be using our time to wrap up the second quarter of the school year. We will continue to make Christmas Crafts and reading a lot of stories related to this holiday. We will be reading and comparing the stories of:}


We would love to have a Christmas party with the children on Wednesday, December 17th. For this we would like to ask a contribution of Lps.150.00. We will buy them lunch and a small treat. Thank you to Mateo´s mom since she will be donating the cupcakes for the students as a dessert. Please send this money by Tuesday, December 16th. Thanks in advance!


December 6, 2014

Week of Dec. 8-12

Dear Kindergarten Parents,
Last week we learned about Hanukkah. This week we will be discussing Christmas. We will be making Christmas Crafts and reading a lot of stories related to this holiday. Some of the stories that we will be looking at are the following:


In Math we are going to be working with Number Lines and extending Patterns such as ABBC (apple-banana-banana-orange), AABB (car-car-bus-bus).
In Science, we are going to be talking about different types of weather. We will be discussing what kind of weather we are having in Honduras right now, and we will be able to talk about weather in other parts of the world. We will be discussing what type of clothing we should wear for each kind of weather. Also, we will connect the weather with the four seasons of the year.

The children in charge of donating the materials for Kindergarten Kafe this week are Rodrigo Aguilar and Rodrigo Gallego. Thank you in advance!!!

We will be having Discovery School Songfest this Friday, December 12th at 5:30 p.m. We would like to have all the children here in school at 5:00 p.m. to go over last details with them. Please make sure you mark this date in your calendar and also we would like to remind you to take into consideration the traffic in this city at that time. The children have been practicing really hard and it would be very sad to start without one of them. They all need to be wearing the costume of the sea animal that was assigned to them.

We would love to have a Christmas Party with the children on the last day of school (Wednesday, December 17th). If you have any idea on what or how we can do it we would greatly appreciate if you can contact us via email or at school. Thanks in advance.

XMAS BASKETS - Christmas is the season to open our hearts and share with those around us that need it most. It has been a tradition at Discovery School for students to come together and contribute in assembling baskets of goods for our support personnel.  We are asking for your cooperation in sending the following:

     Kinder and 7th grade students                       1 5 lb bag of rice

Please feel free to send any additional goodies that you want to share with our devoted staff, such as canned goods, instant soups, cookies and crackers, or anything else that does not require refrigeration. Please send these items no later than Monday, December 15th. Your cooperation will be deeply appreciated.

 SWEATERS AND JACKETS – Children often tend to misplace their jackets and sweaters during this cold season. We ask parents, teachers and students to take any clothing item they find to Ms. Carolina (Lost and Found box located in the main office).